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flame mail การใช้

  • *An article on Sakana Yama, a comic by Urchin from 2001-2003, ended by mass amounts of flame mail and excessive bandwidth usage.
  • It is the ultimate " lean " company, quick and responsive, distinctively able to react faster than flame mail over a T3 line.
  • The hate mail, electronic " flame mail, " the threats poured in by the tens of thousands, from outraged Internetters who considered the blatant commercial pitch a violation of network ethics.
  • Those who are proficient with computers, they note, are often able to use other people's addresses or mask their own, making anonymous hate communications, or " flame mail, " fairly simple to produce.
  • For instance, users would be able to embellish electronic correspondence with a variety of font types and sizes, allowing flame mail to be fired off in 72-point red type, if the user is so inclined.
  • Internet denizens, accustomed to a noncommercial network, have reacted furiously to spammers, usually with liberal flame mail and by deluging the marketer's mailbox or his Internet service provider with messages in an attempt to overload and cripple the system.
  • List of progressive metal artists may be a better place for the bands listed in this article . ( Assuming I don't get flame mail from people who say I don't know the difference between progressive metal and avant-garde metal . )-- ( Elkspeak ) 16 : 50, 16 May 2007 ( UTC)